Monday, September 13, 2010

eeek a MOUSE

When my friend Dawg visited my house (ok, it's a trailer...whatever) he said "this is Country Club living".  He's so nice.  Truth of it is, I live in a tiny town.  I live on the edge of said tiny town with lots of grass and fields around me, right next to the railroad tracks which are very overgrown.  So, as a result of all this rural bliss, I have a mouse in the house.  I was so freaked out last night that I didn't sleep.  Every time I felt the slightest movement of air, I was sure that the mouse was crawling on me.  Now, to be fair, I've known mousey was here for a few days and have discussed options for ridding the house of him with various friends.  I took Mitza's advice and have put plops of peanutbutter on plates in various nooks and crannies.  With baby Chuck running around the house, I just can't take the chance of her getting ahold of a mouse trap or poison.  So, peanut butter it is.  Never heard of this trick but Mitza swears it works and I trust Mitza.  She's the bomb.

I actually exercised today... and followed my diet.  Whoopty-do.  I'm just in a crappy mood.  I'm lonely  and I'm frustrated.  It's been over 2 years since I had a boyfriend.  Ok, I have dated.  I've dated a lot.  But in the past 2 years, only 2 people have made it to date 3 and they are both so emotionally unavailable.  Which is probably why they made it.  If you're terrified of a commitment, no matter how badly you may crave one, the best people to hang out with are other commitment phobics.  Ones that are either a) confirmed bachelors till the day they die or b) already legally married so they can't get to serious but aren't so married as to not date.  Friends with benefits and nothing more.  And while I do enjoy the benefits, I want something more.  I am ready for something more substantial.  I am ready for something special.  But no one that I've met is on the same page.

So this evening I was watching MTV with my mom (WTF???).  Can't remember the name of the show at the moment but this young guy was hanging out with a rapper named Meino (spelling????).  I'm not too big into the hip hop scene, but something this guy said struck a chord.  He was talking about being in prison for 10 years and after a couple of years just started thinking.  He had time to think, to reflect, to develop his thoughts and that's when he started rhyming and writing.  Ok, my situation is not as dire as prison, but I thought perhaps that is something to ponder.  Use this time of lonliness to think, reflect, decide who it is that I want to be.  What really matters to me.  Develop the things about myself that I want without worrying about anyone else or what a man will think about this that or the other.  Or maybe I was just envying the fact that this rapper was shopping at Bloomingdales and I was trying to chanel whatever kind of mojo gets you a bank account that can go there.

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